Alden and Jane Ellis had their checkups today.

Big boy wearing his 18mo shirt and 12 month pants.

Alden was 21lbs 10oz and 30.5 inches of sweetness. He passed his little question air and I'm pretty sure dr welch was impressed ;)

Jane Ellis also had a checkup- her 4 yr checkup! Such a big sweet girl. She was not feeling well and for the first time ever refused to get weighed or her height taken. We finally made (err persuaded) her to let me hold her on the scale. She was about 40lbs and 40inches.

Aubrey wanted it to be her appointment too. She happily did everything the peds would watch her do 😍

Both kids had to have a shot. Boo. Alden had his dtap and prevnar. He ended up having a pretty high fever late that night. But was just fine after some Tylenol. After the peds we went to my sisters house and got to meet miss Hannah grace 😍😍
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