Here is Jane Ellis's shelf with all her sweet toys/stuffed animals... far away from Daisy! There is also an adorable frame with her name on it from my bro Ray's sweet girlfriend Megan :)
I'm a little aggravated at myself for not getting a picture taken of me and my Jane Ellis belly... it was her first game lol But I have a feeling she'll be going to a lot more! Here is a great picture of the band at half time.
24 weeks My razorback shirt doesn't fit anymore :(
Next on my to do list: Find a crib. This will probably take me a few weeks of weighing the pros and cons of a 4:1, the price, safety whether to buy a white one or a cherry one... ugh! Fun times :)
So here it is, the reason we came... It's a girl!!
Meet Jane Ellis!
Prettiest Girl I've EVER Seen!!!