Here are some pictures of Jane Ellis's room. I had a wonderful baby shower this past saturday and got some beautiful things. Pictures of that shower will be uploaded soon :) Now, back to her room. Robert and I decided that she needed a beautiful blue ceiling to look up at so that's what we did! I painted it in one day... yes it was a bigger job than I originally had planned, only because it required three layers of paint and not just two, but I think it was well worth it...

Here is Jane Ellis's shelf with all her sweet toys/stuffed animals... far away from Daisy! There is also an adorable frame with her name on it from my bro Ray's sweet girlfriend Megan :)

This is a mirror I found at Garden Ridge. I plan to paint it white and hang it above her dresser. The frame is metal so I'm hoping it will work.

This is my sweet glider from my MIL! I love it... it's so comfortable. It will glide, recline and glide, and lock. I also really like that it's small enough to be in her sweet little room but big enough that Robert it comfortable rocking in it... and yes, he's already tried it out :) The yellow blanket on it used to be Robert's when he was a baby. The little table is from an antique store in Forrest City, I bought it for $25... a very good buy I do believe!

Here's a closer picture, you can see the curtains a litttle better. I bought those at Pottery Barn outlet for $35 for both panels. I love them... they have a small strip of sage green along with a little bit of pink. The sweet little stuffed animal stacker also came from PBO. it was originally $90 but I waited and waited and was able to get it for $25! Yay :)

Here's JE's dresser I found on craigslist for $90. Robert and I had to drive to Brinkley to pick it up, but for that price, and it was already painted green... I didn't think I could do much better. The flower photo holder was on sale at Pier1 and the cute little piggy bank was also a gift from my bro Ray's gf Megan.. tooo cute! The pink pail with her name on it is from my aunt GiGi, friend's Kristy and Sarah Wright and Kristen Murphy... also adorable. I love that her name is everywhere because I love her name!

I also love her bed! It was a gift from my mom and the mattress was from my grandma Oma. The bedding is from Pottery Barn... it's "CoCo Dot" and I love that it's not themed! But I do want to incorporate owls... I just have to figure out how to do that tastefully and girly.

Here is her closet full of sweet clothes! I need to buy some organizers for the shelf but it will be organized! And I will post pics of that soon :)

This was a gift from Robert's Gandmother Hill. Grandmother's mother crocheted this bib years and years ago. Mrs. Hill found it and wanted to have it framed so that it could be passed down for generations. How awesome is that?

Here is a pic of JE's beautiful stroller! It's a Safety 1st AeroLite LX Travel System Stroller in Pegasus. So far I love it... but we'll see when baby Jane gets here.
This is her infant car seat...

And here is her stroller!

There are still a few things I need to do to get her room ready and when it's officially finished I'll be sure to post more pics!