So I was supposed to work mon, tue and wed nights, then leave for Bowling Green, KY thur at noon. But a wonderful friend - Jessica Schmitt - worked for me wed night. So I had all day wed to wash clothes, clean the house and pack - but not without loving on JE and Emma first! Emma, Elsie, Shannon and my mom stopped by to play in the water for a little while.
Ok, back to Jane Ellis' first road trip. So thursday at noon, I packed my car full of luggage, shoe cakes (more on that in a bit) baby diapers, and the baby- along with my MIL and her mom. And off we started for Bowling Green for Robert's cousin, Sarah Schmitt's (no relation to Jessica) wedding. JE was awesome! She slept most of the way and only required us to stop twice :)
Ok, back to Jane Ellis' first road trip. So thursday at noon, I packed my car full of luggage, shoe cakes (more on that in a bit) baby diapers, and the baby- along with my MIL and her mom. And off we started for Bowling Green for Robert's cousin, Sarah Schmitt's (no relation to Jessica) wedding. JE was awesome! She slept most of the way and only required us to stop twice :)

Meeting her cousin Erin for the first time

The high heel shoe cakes by Cakes by Mom and Me were a HUGE hit!
Sarah's wedding shoe; can you say precious!
I absolutely adore this little girl!
The next day, Jane Ellis decided to take a nap right before we had to leave for the rehearsal. So I just said I'd stay with her until she woke up. Then I realized Robert had my car keys, So I decided to take advantage of the lighting and play around with my camera :)
The wedding was beautiful and the reception was sooo much fun! JE was awesome the whole weekend and I think she really loved all the attention :)A picture of all the cousins
A quick diaper change and a nice stretch before getting back on the road. I guess something was funny :)

Such a good girl!