Sunday, November 21st, started out great. I had decided that I needed to do laundry that day for some reason. Shannon and Emma were at my house, and even though I was busy with chores and visiting with them, I kept noticing about every 15 -20 mins that I was having slightly uncomfortable contractions. This wasn't completely abnormal, except that I was feeling them in my back now. I had been to the doctor the monday before this and they scheduled me to be induced on JE's due date, Nov 23. 1) he wasn't sure I would go on my own because for the past 2 months I had been working overtime and was still only 2 cm, thick and not having any contractions. and 2) it was my first baby and I didn't want to be in the hospital over Thanksgiving. Around 7 pm I noticed that my contractions were really starting to get more uncomfortable and closer together. At 9pm I started to time them - almost exactly 15 mins apart. I took a bath - still there. Tried taking a nap- yeah right lol. I tried doing more laundry to get my mind off them ( I was pretty much in denial that this was early labor lol) - still there and getting stronger. At 11 I called the hospital to warn them I'd probably be coming up there. By 2 they were so strong I could barely blow dry my hair and finish packing my bag - 5-6 mins apart. We left the house around 230 am and called both sets of parents to warn them this may be it. We got to the hospital at 3 and I was admitted to a room. When they checked me the nurse said I was 3-4 but since my contractions were only about 5 mins apart they may not keep me... ummm I told them I wasn't going home just to come back in 24 hrs to be induced. By 4 I was hurting so badly that I was begging for some Stadol... I had to get a shot - it didn't touch the pain! Supposedly I was still 3 (yes now she said I was 3, not 3-4... someone was ready to just finish their shift lol) and may still be sent home so I couldn't have an epidural. By 6 I was in sooo much pain I wouldn't let them check me until I got some relief. I was crying and had back labor so badly that I couldn't lay in the bed, I stood up, hunched over pacing. My contractions were still about 5-6 mins apart but lasted about 2 mins. Thank goodness my new nurse came in at 630 and said they were definately keeping me. I got an IV, (I even let a student do it :) fluid started, and iv stadol given. The stadol helped enough that I could lay in the bed and have labs drawn for my epidural. By 7 I was still in so much pain, it was truely like an out-of-body experience. I didn't know pain like that could exist lol They hadn't checked me since 4 but I knew I had to be getting closer to meeting Jane Ellis. I was finally getting my epidural, which actually didn't hurt very badly at all. My doctor was either really good or it was because my contractions were sooo horrible! Only 1 person could stay with me, so I asked my mom to. I thought it may still be a little while before I was ready to start pushing so I sent Robert out to go get breakfast in the cafeteria with my Dad. By 730 my epidural was done, I felt better than ever and when they checked me I was 8cm!!! No wonder I hurt so bad lol As Robert and my dad were heading back to the room they heard someone over the loud speaker call for a delivery table for room 813... yep, that was me :) By 830 I was complete and by 912 our perfectly beautiful 7lbs 13oz 20 inch long of wonderful baby girl was welcomed into the world. Best day of mine and Robert's life. The feelings you have are indescribable. I truely wish every women could feel the sense of pride and admiration and love that comes with giving birth. It really is awesome. I am so thankful that the Lord saw it fit to give me such a beautiful, healthy family.
Jane Ellis's first picture! Isn't she the most wonderful thing ever!!
Our first of many family pictures!

Our going home outfit :)
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