Jane Ellis turned 4 months old March 22nd. I Cannot believe it's already been 4 months and I have to start back to work!!! Where did all the time I had off go? It has been the biggest blessing to have been able to stay home with my baby girl for 17 whole weeks. I cannot begin to explain the sadness that has come over me knowing I have to leave her. I love everything about being a SAHM. I love being up with her at 730 in the morning, I love taking her everywhere with me -the bank, grocery shopping, the zoo. I love seeing her discover her hands, toes, toys. I love watching her try to sit up on her own just to teeter over on her side. And I love the toothless grins and giggles she gives me over and over and over again. Well, enough about how sad I'm going to be to leave her, here's more about her! She is still the best baby I could have asked for. She stills takes 2-3 naps a day, still sleeps through the night - 730 pm - 430, eats, then back to sleep till 730-8 am. She's taking a bottle great, and nursing even better. We still LOVE our cloth diapers. I've even ordered some Bumgenius 3.0s to make diaper changes easier for daddy and the babysitters - Jennifer, my mom and MIL. She's sitting up in her bumbo and exersaucer really well now and loves to play for very long stretches. She stares at everything, and you can tell she's just taking everything in. Here are some 4 month pictures.

She looks so much like Robert here!

Getting ready to go to the zoo

Here we are at the zoo. This is the first of many trips and I think she enjoyed it. We went with my parents, oma, Shannon and Emma.

Emma and grandma. Emma loved it!

Jane Ellis is worn out :) Here are a few pictures of the girls on St. Patricks day.
Emma loves her cousin!
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