Cousins! That is :) Today, May 23rd, 2011 at 1140 in the morning, we helped my sister Shannon, her husband Chris and their little girl Emma welcome Elsie Louise Hudson into the world. All 7lbs 7 oz and 20 inches of her! And she couldn't be more beautiful. Shannon did awesome. She was (and had been) 3-4 cms when she got to the hospital. They started her pitocin around 5 that morning. Broke her water around 9am and she had her epidural around 11am. As soon as she got her epidural she went from 7 to complete within minutes and the pushing began. She was awesome and just a few minutes later we met strawberry blonde/red headed Elsie. Did that girl have some lungs! It was wonderful that Emma and Jane Ellis were able to be there to meet their sister and cousin. Emma wasn't too sure about this whole thing, all she knew was she wanted her momma and daddy. Jane Ellis, however, didn't have a clue what was going on so she just went with the flow lol

PawPaw's Peanuts

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