Happy 1st birthday to the most precious thing in my simple little world. I am so thankful that the Lord saw it fit to bless me with such an amazing little girl. And I pray that not only will I see many more of her birthdays, but that she will grow to know how blessed she is to be able to celebrate them. In a world of such tragedy and loss, it's so wonderful to come home/wake up to her smile. May you always know how much your mommy and daddy cherish you. - My FB status.
Jane Ellis is a big girl now! The day started out with me making a quick trip to kroger for a balloon, little birthday cake/cupcake, and a small toy for JE and Daisy. I got home around 830 and she was just waking up. She was very bewildered at why there was a gift and balloon sitting on her highchair. At first she just wanted her mamma, her milk and a banana; but she soon warmed up to the balloon. Her gift would have to wait til after her breakfast. After she ate her banana and scrambled eggs and toast, we went into the den to open her present. It took her a minute to figure it out, but she soon got the hang of it. Kroger didn't have much, so she got a little shape sorter that came with shapes and a lid that comes on and off. She likes taking the lid off and putting the shapes in and out of the bucket and then crawling around with it. I had worked the night before, and I had to go back tonght, so I left JE with her daddy and took a quick nap. After we both napped it was time to play again. That evening, my brother stephen and his GF Jennifer, my mom and Robert's parents all came over to wish JE a HB. We ended the night with supper and a bath and then it was time for me to head to work.

Some of Jane Ellie's Stats:
* She is a tall, solid 23 lbs
* She's wearing 12-18 and 18-24 month clothes
* She weaned from BFing at 11 months
* She's now on Whole milk and does great
* She's not uptodate on her 12 month shots, and honestly, probably won't be for a
few more months still.
* She just got her big girl carseat - a Diono RXT. It's beautiful, and it's still
rear-facing :)
* She really likes to watch baby Einstein in the car, but still doesn't watch any TV
in the house.
* She's not walking, and won't stand unless she's holding on to or leaning against
something. But she can crawl faster than any kid I know lol
* She signs "all done", and sometimes "more".
* She has six teeth now, 4 top and 2 bottom.
* She says "dada", "where's Daisy?', "there's Daisy!", "what's that?" and points,
and has dabbled in saying momma, but only when she wants something.
* She can pick out a cow and a pig when asked, and she can say what sound a cow
makes - mmmmmmoooo.
* She is starting to want bows in her hair and will wear them with pride for a few
* She loves jewelry - especially necklaces.
* She loves bath time, and really loves bubble baths. I bought her some bath crayons
and she is learning how to play with them and not eat them.
* It's been really rainy, nasty here, so we haven't been able to play outside, but
when it's nice she loves to swing in her little pink swing.

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