The girls love snuggling up to my 30 weeks belly. We are all doing well and are just excited and ready to meet this sweet brother boy! Alden is really moving and grooving now. The girls think it's funny when they lay their head on my stomach and he kicks them!

Jane Ellis was able to have a quick lunch with mommy and daddy. She loves her daddy and her mexican food.
Emma and Elsie came to help Shannon watch the girls so Robert could go out of town. The next morning, after I got back from work, I made them all bacon and pink and blue pancakes.
The girls love their babies.
Jane Ellis turned 3 November 23rd! I truly cannot put into words the amount of joy she's brought to us. She can be so sweet. If she gets a treat and Aubrey isn't there for one, she always asks "where's aubrey?" She's been sleeping in her big girl bed since september and loves it.
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