Here are some adorable pictures taken Feb 3rd. Jane Ellis is 10 weeks here. She weighs 13 lbs 8 oz and smiles all the time. One big development is that JE has discovered her hands. She loves to suck on her fists but I try not to let her. I know, I know, she's just discovering herself.... but Robert and I were such HORRIBLE thumb suckers that it makes me worry. But it is a good self-soothing method so I let her about half the time. The other half I stop her and give her her paci lol. JE is also starting to reach out and touch her toys. Especially if they dangle in front of her. She is really smiling now too. Especially when people talk to her. And she's starting to blow little pit bubbles. Oh the milestones just keep coming :) She is sleeping from 1030p to atleast 430/500a. Wakes then goes back to sleep till 8. If she is really tired she'll sleep until 630. One reason she sleeps so long at night is probably because she doesn't really nap during the day. She takes 3-4 naps during the day but they only last about 45 minutes. But for the most part she's still a very happy baby that hardley ever cries unless she needs something. She's pretty to put down for a nap still, she gets fussy, lay her in her PNP. Easy as pie :) Some days she's really clingy and I have to hold her, so to get anything done I just wear her :)

Here are Oma, Emma and Jane Ellis

Emma loves necklaces! Shannon gave her one to play with and she knew exactly what to do with it... I went and dug out some of my old ones [from high school lol] and she put them all on and wore them all afternoon. She never took them off! Such a smart girl :)

Here is Emma's new birthday diaper! And her new babylegs :) Too cute!

And ofcourse, here's beautiful Jane Ellis in her babylegs :)
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