My sweet niece Emma turned 1 year old February 17th! I can't believe that sweet little newborn has grown into a big, happy, beautiful 1 year old! Emma truely has a beautiful spirit. She is so kind, she loves to pet and pat Jane Ellis. She'll pat her and pat her and we'll say "gentle" so then she starts to pet her :) She is always talking to her in her little goo gah blah lalala language. She tries to give her sips of water from her sippy cup, and if her paci falls out she's always quick to try to stick it back in her mouth, even if she doesn't need it. And for some reason she likes to back up and sit on her... not quite sure where she picked that up from, needless to say, we can't leave those two alone together :) She loves her baby doll and has just recently learned how to cradle her and rocks her back and forth. And that kid loves books! She'll get one and throw it at Shannon lol She'll just sit in Shannon's lap and listen to her read one over and over again. She just went to the doctor and was 20.4 lbs. She is still using cloth diapers and they love them. She eats pretty well too. Shannon hasn't found anything that Emma doesn't like. The only problem they are having is that Emma can't tolerate cow's milk. They are alternating between almond, rice, coconut, and goat milk. She likes them all, so Shan just gives her a variety until she's able to tolerate cow's milk.
Emma just a few hours old

Here is Emma in mid-May just 3 months old

And here she is at 1 year!
Shannon threw her a wonderful birthday party complete with balloons, party favors and blueberry muffins!
Wonderfull grandparents
Emma and her baby
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