◦She raises her head and chest when laying on her stomach. When she first wakes up from
her naps, you can find her raised up on her arms cooing and looking around.
◦She opens and shuts her hands. She loves to lay on her playmat, and grab the toys
hanging above her head and try to put them in her mouth. She will also pull her legs up and touch her toys with her feet.
◦She has been pushing down on her legs when her feet are placed on a firm surface
for weeks now. Sometimes she'd rather stand on you that sit on your lap.
◦She loves to brings her hands to her mouth and chew on her fists and fingers. She just recently
found her thumb and will prefers her right thumb to her left. She doesn't really suck her thumb
unless she's laid down to sleep, and she will still take her paci.
◦She recognizes familiar objects and people at a distance, and knows when I'm not holding her. She doesn't mind other people holding her, but if she's tired, she prefers me or Robert.
◦Smiles at the sound of your voice - She loves to smile, and coo and does this "gagaga" sound. And "hooo hooo" and she mimics Robert and thinks it's so funny!
◦Begins to babble
◦Begins to develop a social smile - She will smile at people that she doesn't know but sometimes it takes her a minute to feel comfortable enough to.
◦She is rolling over from her belly to her back. I haven't seen her do it, but I've walked in twice and she's been on her back.
She now weighs 14 lbs and is 24 inches long. She sleeps from 6 or 7p to about 4a then wakes to nurse then back to sleep till 8or9. Eats, then naps at 11. Eats then naps at 1, Eats then naps at 3, Eats then to sleep at 6 or so. Up around 4 to eat, then right back to sleep till about 9. Not always exactly those times, but pretty close to it. So far she sleeps and eats great!
She loves to look at books and will pay attention while I read to her. She still wears 3-6 month clothes, but with her cloth diapers will fit into some 6 month onesies. She still sleeps on her tummy - yes, I know all about the whole SIDS thing, but honestly, she won't sleep on her back longer than an hour or so and HATES to be swaddled. She hasn't been swaddled since she was 4 weeks old and has been sleeping on her tummy since 6 weeks. We co-sleep with her in her little bed wight up next to our bed. I love it and don't know how in the world I will be able to put her in her own crib in a few months. She doesn't however sleep in our bed. I've tried to just let her sleep with me in the early morning after she nurses, but like I said before she won't sleep on her back, and she's not much of a snuggler, so back in her bed she goes to sleep for a few more hours.
We still love our cloth diapers and hardely ever use disposibles. They keep her so clean and dry and she's yet to have a blowout. She has had a few leaks, but those got better after I prepped her diaper a few more times. I love all the cute prints and beautiful colors! Here she is in her night time sunbaby diaper. She is such a heavy nighttime wetter, but this keeps her dry and she doesn't leak out like her sposies.
She loves bath time and really likes to sit up in the sink rather than lay in the bathtub.
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