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Monday, June 13, 2011

6 months, really!

June 25 - Is my sweet little wonderful Jane Ellis really 6 months already! You have accomplished so much!

* You are already 18 lbs!

* You have started trying to crawl - you can scoot on you belly great and you love to get up on your tippy toes with you butt up in the air.

* You eat twice a day most days. You like oatmeal mixed with things like applesauce, yogurt, sweet potatoes. Anything that gives it flavor. For dinner, I either make you something pureed, or give you something like steamed veggies, avacado, or bananas that you can play with and feed yourself. We've also discovered Sprouts meals - they are organic and healthy and you love them. So when we go out to eat this is your meal of choice :)

* You are still nursing! That was a big goal of mine - to get you to 6 months. You nurse before every meal, before and after naps and really just anytime you start to fuss and seem hungry. Now let's see if we can go a whole year!

* You need some big girl toys. You are quickly becoming bored with your baby toys. I see a trip to target or toys-r-us in your near future!

* You are still an awesome sleeper! You still sleep in your co-sleeper by my bed, you have started to pull up some, but not in your bed yet. I can see you starting that very soon though, so I'm cautiously waiting for it.

* You LOVE your daddy! Everytime you see him you grin and giggle so big! I know it just melts his heart.

* You are really starting to notice Daisy and orange kitty and you LOVE them too! Though they are just starting to pay any attention to you!

* You are saying ba ba and sometimes ma ma. But you love saying ba ba ba ba and just babble and giggle. I have heard you say da da once our twice. We're still working on it ;)

* You are still the light of our lives and we love you more and more each and everyday!

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