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Monday, October 29, 2012

Aubrey Claire 8 month update

So, I know I've been a complete blogger fail lately. But, let me make it up with lots of pictures-
Aubrey at 6mos

Aubrey was sitting up by 5.5 months and as soon as she mastered that skill she started crawing! She is all over the place now. Jane Ellis was almost 7.5 mo before she started crawling so this was a pretty big surprise :) She is also starting to experiment with food and she's quickly learning she likes this new stuff.

She is also 17 lbs! She's a big snuggle bug. 

Jane Ellis loves her sister and will give her kisses either on demand or just when she feels like being sweet. But in the same breath, she will push her down, or take her toy. Her favorite phrase right now is "No, Aubrey! That's mine!" I gently tell her, "Jane Ellis, let's get Aubrey a toy that she can play with." So then she says "here, Aubrey, here" and hands her a toy. Oh she has my heart!

Here are some pictures of Aubrey at 7mo and Jane Ellis at 21 mo.

Aubrey is still nursing like a champ and has really started eating more solids. For breakfast she'll eat a little oatmeal, or banana and cherrios. For lunch she eats a few peas, or sweet potato, and for dinner it's some yogurt and whatever veggies we are eating. I feel like she eats few solids but nurses more than JE did at this age. But she's fat and happy so I guess it's working for her :) She's also still sleeping in her swing and in our bed. I tried a few times to put her down in her bed, but it's pretty hard since she and JE share a room. So we're holding out on that transition for a little while longer. Jane Ellis is goin to the potty more and more each day, and on her own. She's gotten to where she'll tell me know and goes pee and poo pretty consistently. And it was all child-led. I never forced, I just started asking her if she wants to peepee on her potty? I let her go naked and then put her on it every 30 mins or so. And she just kind of got the hang of it. I don't expect Aubrey to be that easy- but you never know, she might be easy too :)

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