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Monday, June 30, 2014

It's go time!

Well, January 18th came and went, just like I knew it would. Nobody believed me when I said our little guy would come after his due date. So many people thought I was crazy for not being induced. And to tell you the truth, I started to believe he was just so comfy, he'd never come out. I was not having any contractions, I was barely 2 cms. I did everything I could to speed up the process. But only one thing worked...

Friday morning I woke up, 40 weeks and 6 days pregnant. Tired, swollen, achey, irritable, excited and tired. (yes, tired is on there twice for a reason) I decided to call my amazing chiropractor and see if she could fit me in. I don't know why I hadn't thought of it earlier, but I wish I had! She said she could see me saturday morning. I prayed it would work!

Saturday morning, at 10:00, mom and I headed to the chiropractor. I told her I was 41 wks and I needed this baby out =) She did her magic. Afterwards mom and I ran to walmart. While we shopped, I began to feel contractions, only every 30 mins or so, but they were fairly strong. I told mom, but we both assumed it was because we were walking around. (I'm always in a little denial when my labor start, because I always assume they'll (for some reason) stall out) After I got home, I drank a little castor oil. Around noon, I met Robert and the girls at his Grandmother's house for lunch. I told him about the contractions (15-20mins apart). I did not tell anyone else however. I'm pretty sure I gobbled that burger up thinking it might be my last until after delivery!

The rest of the day was kind of a blur. We left Robert's grandma's house around 6pm. I went home and did some laundry, packed my bag and loved on the girls. By late that evening I was hurting, bad! Back labor... again. I had horrible back labor with Jane Ellis. It litterally felt as if knives were stabbing me. I was determined to put the girls to bed before I left, but then I started bleeding. Hmmm, "Hey babe! I think you need to call your parents!"

Debbie and Woodson got to the house around 930pm. Both the girlies were in bed, so I was ready to go. We arrived at Methodist Germantown around 1030pm and I was admitted at 1045. The contractions were hard and fast. I wanted a natural delivery, but I was pretty sure with this back labor, there was just no way. I was 8 cm and 90% effaced. I was begging for an epidural. Dr Seymore was at the bedside. I got my epidural, was dosed when I laid back down. Two minutes later my water was broken and I was pushing. It actually helped the pain to push! I pushed for 6 mins. Just when I didn't think I could possibly push anymore (my epidural was not working) the sweetest little 8lbs 8oz 21 inch long perfect baby boy was born at
1220 am. Apgars of 8 and 9. Big blue eyes, and light brown hair. My first baby to do immediate skin to skin and to nurse like a little champ!

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