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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Maternity Leave

November 18th was my last night at work in the old LB. It was very bittersweet to say the least. It hit me while I was driving across the bridge that night that 1) It was the last time I would see all my co-workers for 16 weeks and 2) the next time I work, it will be in the beautiful, brand spankin new LB!! Yep, bittersweet. I love our old unit. It's where I formed my most trusting friendships; it's where I learned to be what I've always longed to be - a nurse- a smart, caring, intuitive, trustworthy nurse. I will always remember the patients that inspired me, the ones that annoyed me, and the ones who made me cry out of hopelessness. Yes, I loved that dirty, old- fashioned, cramped unit. That same unit was always filled with some of the best doctors, nurses, RT's and secretaries/utility aids any patient could ask for. I hope and pray that the same atmosphere of love, compassion and empathy that encircled the old unit will be carried over to the new one. I wish I could have helped with the move on Dec 5, but I was fortunate enough to be home with my Jane Ellis. But I do have some pictures from facebook.

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